Eileen Fong

Eileen Fong


Eileen Fong

Eileen was born in China, raised in Hong Kong and then immigrated to Canada in 1968. After graduating from the B.C. Institute of Technology in Nuclear Medicine and Chemistry, Eileen began working in the field of health. Because she wanted to explore a new aspect of life and something related to her roots, she began studying Chinese brush painting in 1994, learning from several master painters throughout the years. Her love of nature coincides with the beautiful expressions of nature revealed in this art form. As a member of several B.C. artists guilds and arts councils, Eileen has held several solo exhibitions in B.C. and participated in many juried group shows locally and overseas, which include the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Color 77th annual juried exhibition in Halifax, and the XVI Collective Painting and Sculptures Exhibition, Concello de Cangas of Spain in June 2008. Her work has received several awards which include First Place at the Juried Arts 2006 Exhibition of the Surrey Arts Centre and an award of Excellence in the 2014 Landscape Juried Exhibition with the Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery. In 2010, her work was accepted for the City of Richmond’s No. 3 Road Public Art Project. Eileen has presented Chinese Watercolor Workshops in several of the Art Teachers’ Conferences. In 2007, she ventured as a Children's book illustrator: The Dream Jar, published in 2008.
